Technical Documentation

This section is for people who might want to edit the code base of the application. The repository with all the code can be found here.

The application is built using the following tools and frameworks:

To make edits to the tool, one must know how to work with the aforementioned frameworks. More details about each of them can be found on the links provided above.

About Streamlit

This application is built using Streamlit, a Python framework to build interactive web applications. It has a rich API for various interactive features which can be learnt more about here. It's a relatively new framework and its recommended to explore building basic apps with it before diving deep into the repository.

To set up the repository on your local machine follow the installation steps below:

Installation Steps

To set up the application on your local machine, follow these steps.

  • Clone the repository on your local machine

    git clone <link>

  • Create a virtual environment

    • For MacOS/Linux - ``python3 -m venv env
    • For Windows - py -m venv env

The second argument is the location to create the virtual environment. Generally, you can just create this in your project and call it env. Read more about virtual env here.

Note: You should exclude your virtual environment directory from your version control system using .gitignore or similar.

  • Activate the virtual environment

    • For MacOS/Linux - source env/bin/activate

    • For Windows - .\env\Scripts\activate

  • Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the streamlit app
streamlit run