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Pro Tip: Clicking on the blue boxes in the flowchart brings you to the documentation page for that specific step.

First-time Users

This is a simplified version of the user workflow. You can find the detailed user workflow here.

When you open the tool, the first page you see is the Home page.

  1. Your prediction journey starts on the Data Prep page. There, you upload the data, and do necessary preprocessing that would then feed into the model. Click here to download an Excel file containing data till May 2021. This Excel file contains the format of the input that our tool was tested on.
  2. Once you "confirm" the preprocessed data on the Data Prep page, you can go to the Predictions page. The data which was uploaded on the data prep page is automatically loaded on the predictions page. The predictions may take a while to run. The prediction results are cached, which means it would run faster the second time you try to predict the same data.
  3. The Visualizations page includes line plots and map visualizations to quickly understand the prediction results, e.g. which kreis has the highest unemployment rate, whether the trend for that kreis is going up or down.
  4. The Rankings page contains kreis-level and grouped rankings of unemployment rates and their percentage changes.
  5. The Error Analysis page would be automatically loaded with the prediction results. This page helps you look closer into which kreise were harder to predict, and how that compares with their basic infrastructures, such as number of hospitals, number of schools etc.

graph LR A1(First-time Users) A1-->A2[Step-By-Step Guide] A1-->A3[Tool] click A2 "../../steps/data_prep/" click A3 "" style A2 fill:#CAEEFE,stroke:#2596be,color:#063970 style A3 fill:#CAEEFE,stroke:#2596be,color:#063970

Now that you understand what you can expect, visit to the Step-By-Step Guide section of the documentation if necessary. We suggest that you open up the tool on a side-by-side window, so that you can follow and implement along with the guided instruction.

Experienced Users

If you are an experienced user, you can dive right in the tool!

graph LR B1(Experienced Users) B1-->B2[Tool] B1-->B3[Error Handling] click B2 "" click B3 "../../steps/error/" style B2 fill:#CAEEFE,stroke:#2596be,color:#063970 style B3 fill:#CAEEFE,stroke:#2596be,color:#063970

If you are encountering problems, it is likely that the problem and how to solve it is already noted in our documentation. You can visit the specific page in the Step-By-Step Guide section.

If you are encountering a problem that is not recorded in our documentation, please let us know.

Quick Access

Check out the Quick Access pages we built just for you!

graph LR C1(Quick Access) C1 --> C2[Prediction Results on Tool] C1 --> C3[Quick Access documentation] click C2 "" click C3 "../../start/quick/" style C2 fill:#CAEEFE,stroke:#2596be,color:#063970 style C3 fill:#CAEEFE,stroke:#2596be,color:#063970

  • If you want to quickly get a grasp of the project, the tool, and the documentation, this page is for you.
  • If you want to get a light interpretation for the latest prediction results, the home page of the tool provides rankings, and the predictions page provides line plots and a map of Germany.

Technical Users

The Advanced Features section contains detailed code walkthroughs.

graph LR D1(Technical Users) D1 --> D3[Technical Workflow page] D1 --> D4[Installation and Setup page] click D3 "../../advanced/tech_flow/" click D4 "../../advanced/installation/" style D3 fill:#CAEEFE,stroke:#2596be,color:#063970 style D4 fill:#CAEEFE,stroke:#2596be,color:#063970