4 Context Groupings

4.1 Context Information Fields

QUESTION: What description granularity is best, keeping in mind that we want to extract the purpose/context of an item within a tender, and not descriptions that are too item-specific?


  • detalle (from llamado): highest level tender description
  • descripcion (from llamado_grupo): middle level batch description

It seems that most batch descriptions within a tender are identical, and very few tenders have batches with multiple different descriptions. Below is a summary of the number of unique batch descriptions per tender, which shows that the vast majority of tenders have around 1 or 2 different batch descriptions:

Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
1 1 1 4.589865 2 1692

Let’s explore the tenders with the highest number of different batch descriptions:

Tender Description
Adquisicion De Textos Eductativos
Adquisicion De Reactivos, Gases Especiales, Vidrios Y Elementos De Laboratorio
Adquisición De Reactivos E Insumos De Laboratorio Para Programas De Salud Y Laboratorio Central
Adquisicion De Productos Quimicos Y Medicinales Para La Facultad De Ciencias Medicas, Hospital De Clinicas Y El Centro Materno Infantil
Adquisicion De Libros Para La Facultad De Derecho
Adquisición De Libros Para La Biblioteca
Adquisicion De Medicamentos E Insumos Medicos Y Odontologicos
Para Adquisicion De Repuestos, Cubiertas, Baterias Y Otros Para Vehiculos De La Dinac
Adquisicion De Productos Quimicos Y Medicinales Para La Facultad De Ciencias Medicas, El Hospital De Clinicas/Sajonia - San Lorenzo
Adquisicion De Productos E Instrumentales Quimicos Y Medicinales
Adquisicion De Medicamentos, Insumos, Reactivos Y Productos Odontologicos Varios
Adquisicion De Libros Para La Biblioteca De La Facultad
Lpn N° 01/12 Adquisicion De Reactivos E Insumos Para Laboratorio Central De Salud Publica
Para La Adquisición De Articulos De Ferreteria
Adquisicion De Libros Para La Biblioteca Del Congreso De La Nación
Adquisicion De Reactivos Quimicos E Insumos De Laboratorio, Con Equipos En Comodato.
Adquisicion De Medicamentos, Insumos, Reactivos Y Productos Odontologicos Varios
Adquisicion De Reactivos Quimicos E Insumos De Laboratorio, Con Equipos En Comodato
Adquisicion De Productos E Instrumentales Quimicos
Adquisicion De Repuestos Y Accesorios Mayores Para Aeronaves
Adquisición De Libros Para La Facultad De Derecho Y Ciencias Sociales Una
Adquisicion De Insumos Varios Para La Municipalidad De Asuncion
Adquisicion De Reactivos E Insumos Para Hospitales Especializados Y Laboratorio Central De Salud Publica
Adquisicion De Repuestos Mayores Para Aeronaves (Ad Referendum) (Plurianual)
Lpn N° 51/2017 Adquisicion De Insumos Y Reactivos Para Laboratorio Central De Salud Publica - Cobertura 24 Meses Del Msp Y Bs
Adquisición De Libros Para La Biblioteca Y Archivo Central Del Congreso Nacional
Adquisición De Libros Para La Dirección General De Cultura Y Turismo
Adquisición De Materiales Bibliográficos Para El Instituto De Trabajo Social Dependiente Del Rectorado Una
Adquisición De Libros Para La Biblioteca Y Archivo Central
Adquisición De Libros Para La Biblioteca Y Archivo Central Del Congreso Nacional

Tenders that have batches with many different descriptions tend to consist of:

  • books / educational materials (case in which the description of each batch might include the book title)
  • laboratory substances and/or chemical supplies
  • medicine and hospital products
  • batteries and spare parts for cars

CONCLUSION: It seems best to focus on detalle from llamado (the highest level tender description).

4.2 Most Frequent Words

Below are the 30 most frequent words in the tender descriptions, along with the proportion of items for which that tender keyword appears:

The top 100 most frequent words in tender descriptions are listed below:

vehiculo, construccion, oficina, plurianual, referendum, util, insumo, 
material, menor, repuesto, articulo, electrico, aula, edificio, ferreteria, 
institucion, nacional, vario, provision, limpieza, llamado, laboratorio, 
hospital, central, abierto, accesorio, reactivo, papel, varia, tinta, 
educativa, maquinaria, departamento, aire, herramienta, preventivo, obra, 
justicia, elemento, escuela, medicamento, correctivo, toner, fonacide, marca, 
electoral, informatico, distrito, muebl, centro, segundo, alimenticio, 
municipal, acondicionador, comedor, libro, quimico, ciudad, medico, ceremonial, 
alimento, ampliacion, seguro, sanitario, facultad, fotocopiadora, asuncion, 
gastronomico, pintura, salud, cocina, carton, impresion, local, bano, 
instalacion, parque, automotor, publica, ministerio, empedrado, dependencia, 
infraestructura, impresora, general, cordillera, modalidad, persona, regional, 
sistema, ciencia, impreso, camara, escritorio, refaccion, evento, basica, 
cubierta, licitacion, mejoramiento

4.3 Most Frequent Word Associations

It is important to see how associated these words are, in order to help us identify words that commonly occur together in tender descriptions. The table below shows the top 20 most associated word pairs (i.e., the word pairs that most commonly appear together, as measured using the Pearson correlation of the indicator variables):

First Word Second Word Correlation
preventivo correctivo 0.93
justicia electoral 0.91
parque automotor 0.87
facultad ciencia 0.82
aire acondicionador 0.82
oficina util 0.78
llamado segundo 0.75
impresora impreso 0.72
limpieza elemento 0.70
articulo ferreteria 0.69
tinta toner 0.68
institucion educativa 0.67
comedor cocina 0.66
infraestructura mejoramiento 0.62
papel carton 0.60
alimento persona 0.58
abierto modalidad 0.57
camara cubierta 0.55
escuela basica 0.53
material electrico 0.51

4.4 Most Influential Words

Further, we fit a linear regression model based on an indicator associated with each of the top 100 words, to see which ones are most highly associated with our respose (the unitary price). The table below shows the top 20 words with the highest absolute coefficient in the simple linear regression:

Word Absolute Regression Coefficient
alimenticio 3.22
impresion 3.11
carton 3.05
alimento 2.93
papel 2.88
util 2.61
elemento 2.60
persona 2.55
escritorio 2.45
seguro 2.31
limpieza 2.30
medicamento 2.29
sistema 2.23
correctivo 2.21
marca 2.19
preventivo 2.19
articulo 2.17
ferreteria 2.06
material 1.81
muebl 1.77

4.5 Final Context Groupings

Based on these tables, we have manually compiled a list of context groupings with their corresponding string patterns:

  • Food: "alimento" or "alimenticio"
  • Vehicle: "vehiculo"
  • Construction: "construccion", "edificio", or "obra "
  • Hardware: "ferreteria" or "herramienta"
  • Preventive Corrective: "preventivo" or "correctivo"
  • Real Estate: "inmuebl"
  • Office: "oficina", "tinta", "toner", "papel", "fotocopiadora", "impreso", or "impresion"
  • Specialized Supplies: "insumo"
  • Cleaning: "limpieza"
  • Politics: "electoral" or "justicia"
  • Medical: "hospital", "medicamento", "medico", "hemato", or "onco"
  • Chemical: "reactivo", "laboratorio", "quimico", or "quimica"
  • Insurance: "seguro"
  • Specific Brand: "marca "
  • Electricity: "electric"
  • Kitchen: "cocina", "comedor", or "gastronomic"
  • Computer: "informatico" or "computadora"
  • Air Conditioning: "aire" or "acondicionado"
  • Spare Part: "respuesto"
  • Machine: "maquinaria"
  • Fuel: "combustible" or "diesel"

Around 70% of items fall under at least one of the above groupings. Fitting a linear regression model using only the indicator variables based on these groupings, we manage to account for almost 19% of the variability in unitary prices, which is extremely promising:

F(21,3282345) 36084.1745
Adj. R² 0.1876
Est. S.E. t val. p
(Intercept) 12.1423 0.0023 5361.9510 0.0000
foodTRUE -3.2897 0.0086 -380.9883 0.0000
vehicleTRUE 0.7931 0.0045 175.6510 0.0000
constructionTRUE 0.4307 0.0039 109.1456 0.0000
hardwareTRUE -1.6044 0.0068 -236.2270 0.0000
preventive_correctiveTRUE 1.5202 0.0106 143.9135 0.0000
real_estateTRUE 2.3152 0.0266 87.1959 0.0000
officeTRUE -1.6542 0.0043 -380.6688 0.0000
specialized_suppliesTRUE -1.0580 0.0065 -163.7480 0.0000
cleaningTRUE -2.3169 0.0088 -263.0913 0.0000
politicsTRUE 0.1428 0.0102 13.9352 0.0000
medicalTRUE -0.5435 0.0065 -83.1100 0.0000
chemicalTRUE -0.2402 0.0075 -32.2029 0.0000
insuranceTRUE 1.2738 0.0128 99.7132 0.0000
specific_brandTRUE 1.2005 0.0111 108.0571 0.0000
electricityTRUE -1.3175 0.0069 -190.8420 0.0000
kitchenTRUE -0.9701 0.0085 -113.7696 0.0000
computerTRUE 1.4072 0.0108 130.8460 0.0000
air_conditioningTRUE 0.5920 0.0097 60.9804 0.0000
spare_partTRUE -0.9954 0.0413 -24.1000 0.0000
machineTRUE 0.8762 0.0102 85.9189 0.0000
fuelTRUE -1.9991 0.0418 -47.8257 0.0000
Standard errors: OLS

4.6 Implementation Conclusions

A total of 21 context indicator variables (listed above) were created based on the cleaned-up tender descriptions. Each indicator variable corresponds to certain specific string patterns, and the variable will be TRUE for a particular observation if that observation’s clean tender description matches those patterns. Otherwise, the indicator variable will be FALSE.