8 Application & Prediction

8.1 The Script

The prediction script takes new raw data as inputs, and performs necessary feature engineering on the data consistent with the feature engineering done before model training and then uses a previously trained model to predict the unit price of each row in the data. The output consists of an Excel file with the merged new raw data that also contains these predictions.

8.1.1 Required Files

The predict.R script is not a self-contained script and requires the input of new raw data and other scripts containing helper functions. The following is a list of necessary files and the structure they should follow within the dncp folder:

  • src/
    • scripts/
      • predict.R (encompassing script to run)
    • functions/
      • predict_helpers.R (set of helper functions to perform tasks in predict.R)
      • fe_helpers.R (set of helper functions to conduct feature engineering tasks in predict.R)
  • conf/
    • predict_conf.yaml (configuration file for predict.R)
    • merge_sparse.yaml (configuration file containing categories after merging sparse categories)
    • valid_categories.yaml (configuration file containing values to be used to replace new categories in categorical variables)

In addition to the above files, the predict.R script requires new raw data that the user wishes to generate predicted unit price values for. The required datasets are listed below, and they should all be stored in the same directory; the name of this directory should be inputted into the predict_conf.yaml file at data$loc (the default directory is data/raw/).

  • data
    • item_solicitado.csv
    • llamado_grupo.csv
    • llamado.csv
    • pac.csv
    • producto_n5.csv
    • producto_n4.csv
    • producto_n3.csv
    • producto_n2.csv
    • producto_n1.csv
    • unidad_contratacion.csv
    • entidad.csv
    • nivel_entidad.csv

8.1.2 Required R Packages

The following is a list of R packages necessary for running predict.R and its associated scripts and reports.

  • caret
  • lubridate
  • solitude
  • tidyverse
  • yaml
  • openxlsx
  • glue

8.1.3 Tasks Performed in the Script

The predict.R script takes in an already trained model that is used to predict unit price values for the new raw data. For more information on how such models are trained, please look at Training Documentation.

8.1.4 Feature Engineering on New Data

Once the new raw datasets are loaded and merged in predict.R, they are adjusted through feature engineering tasks so that they are in the correct format to apply the model on them. The feature engineering tasks will be briefly reviewed in this section, but for more specific information on the separate tasks, please look at Feature Engineering Documentation.

A new variable is first created in the dataset that indicates whether an item is a good or a service (denoted with a 1 if the item is a service and 0 otherwise). Then, any pre-set filters in the feature engineering configuration file are applied to the dataset, filtering out specific rows as desired.

Next, prices in the dataset are adjusted for inflation, and new grouping variables indicating the buyer of each item and the context of each item (i.e. what they are used for) are added. Then, the predictor variables, as well as extra variables providing descriptions of each item and the date of their execution in public procurement, are selected from the overall dataset.

Next, any skewed numeric variables are log-transformed as specified in the feature engineering configuration file, after which sparse categories are merged based on which categories remained after merging in the feature engineering script; these categories are saved in the merge_sparse.yaml configuration file. The sparse categories are determined by first identifying in the feature engineering script which categories in each categorical variable have the lowest frequencies; those categories are then saved, and they are merged in the predict.R script regardless of their frequencies in the new raw input data. This is required in order to stay consistent with findings from the training dataset.

A one-hot encoding model previously saved from the fe.R script is then loaded and applied to the new raw data; the model can be specified in the predict_conf.yaml configuration file (see below). The one-hot encoding creates a new binary indicator variable for each category in categorical variables in the data (i.e. if one category in the categorical variable fruit is apple, then one-hot encoding would create a new binary variable apple that is equal to 1 if the item is in the apple category and 0 otherwise). New categories in categorical variables are set to the corresponding category in valid_categories.yaml, which is either the “Other” category or the most frequent category in the categorical variable. Lastly, any missing values are imputed by assigning NA or 0 to appropriate missing feature variables values.

8.1.5 Making Predictions on New Data

After the feature engineering is complete, a previously saved model is loaded to make predictions on the completely adjusted new data. The saved model is loaded from an existing RDS file generated from the training.R script; the model can be specified in the predict_conf.yaml configuration file (see below). Then, the new data is pruned by selecting all predictors and dropping any missing values. Lastly, the predicted values for the log unit price are calculated using the model, and both the log unit price and unit price are stored in the new dataset. Storing Predictions

The resulting predictions are then stored in two ways. First, an RDS file containing the full new dataset along with two additional new columns representing the predicted log unit price and predicted unit price are created; this file is stored in the data/output/ directory. Second, an Excel file containing the item ID, the descriptions from item_solicitado, llamado_grupo, and llamado, the execution date, and predicted log unit price and unit price is created and stored in the data/output/ directory.

8.1.6 Outputs

The following are the outputs produced by running predict.R.

  • data/
    • output/dataset_DATE_with_predictions.rds (RDS file containing all predictors as columns as well as the predicted values for the log unit price and unit price for each row)
    • output/dataset_DATE_with_predictions.xlsx (Excel file containing some relevant description and date predictors as columns as well as the predictions for the log unit price and unit price)

8.2 The Configuration File

The configuration file predict_conf.yaml contains the inputs for the tasks outlined above. This file needs to be altered for any desired change of input, and instructions for how those alterations can be made are listed below. The application/prediction configuration file is broken down into three stages: the Data, the Features, and the Model.

8.2.1 Data

To load in the correct new input data, the data$loc value should contain the directory in which the new input data files are located. The default value is data/raw/; however, to use a different data directory, the data files can simply be put into a new directory, and the path of the new directory can be listed at loc. Similarly, the dest directory should contain the directory where the user desires the outputs from predict.R to be stored. The dest directory can also be changed if the user wishes to have outputs stored somewhere other than the default directory.

    loc: 'data/raw/'
    dest: 'data/output/'

Other values in the data section of the configuration files are the required input CSV files; these values should not be changed.

8.2.2 Features

The features section contains the merging ID and variables to be one-hot encoded and log-transformed. The ID should not be altered; however, to add any variables to be one-hot encoded or log-transformed, simply append them to the one_hot_encoded_vars list and log_transforms list respectively while ensuring that the variable names are enclosed in single quotations as shown.

    id: 'item_solicitado_id' # unique id

Also included in the features section is the extra_vars list, which contains a list of non-predictor variables in the dataset that the user wishes to see in the final output. For example, decripcion_item_solicitado is not a predictor in the model training, but contains useful information on the nature of each item; thus, it could be included in extra_vars. To add variables to extra_vars, simply append them to the list and ensure that their names are enclosed in single quotations as shown below.

extra_vars: ['item_solicitado_id',

8.2.3 Model

The model section contains the directory of the final predictive model and one-hot encoding model to be used to generate predictions on the new raw data. The predictive model’s directory and file name can be changed by writing the directory in the loc value of model and the file name in the winning_model value of model. The one-hot encoding model, which is generated by running the fe.R script, can have its directory and file name updated by changing the loc value in ohe_model to the directory the one-hot encoding model is located in and changing the last_run_date value in ohe_model to the most recent date when the fe.R script was run.

    loc: '/files/' # loc is input path
    winning_model: 'model_inter_final.rds'
    loc: 'data/output/'
    last_run_date: '2021-08-11'